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Pretty cool art I found in the library yesterday. I think all of these guys wear the number 4. I'm not sure what this you think they are all representations of the same Superhero? Alter-egos, parts of a multiple personality? Maybe the artist just really likes the number 4. --RDM
Angry Fax
Here is an angry fax that I found while cleaning out an office drawer. I won't tell you who wrote it, but it was sent to a Senator. And reads as follows, "IT is a shame that I have to send a fax like this but because of you + your stuff here it is. You might inform the USMS that I will 1. Protest the award of the National Jewelry Contract! 2. Seek a federal court injunction to make sure government laws are adhered too." I thought this was a great piece of American Justice and Checks and Balance that should be shared.

dyd09I will be the first one to admit that some library patron's could use a bath before coming to the library, but I think this is going to the extreme. Plus I'm not sure where the rest of the shower curtain would be hung up at? Maybe by the fish tank(easy access to running water and all).
I'll let you know if we find the curtain or other shower hooks...

dyd09I thought this was a good way to start things off from my point of view. We found this rolodex at a computer. I think it's amazing that with all the cards and things that are in the rolodex we can't determine who it belongs to. I also think it's interesting that someone would carry a rolodex around with them, but then again it's a lot more organized than my method of writing notes on scraps of paper only to lose them or wash them in the washing machine.

Books always get left here by mistake. I think these were returned in the bookdrop.
I had a person call yesterday asking for the person in charge of lost and found. I told her I could help her with that. She said she had left some "bug-eyed black sunglasses somewhere in the library between 2 and 3 weeks ago." I looked but could not find them in this month's or last month's lost and found and told her so. I added that there
were 2 pair of sunglasses, both are for children; one in pink, one dark blue.
She asked, "Will it be okay if I send the police in to look for them then?" and added, "They are $400 sunglasses." I said, "Certainly, send them in, they can look around."
Some people have a lot of nerve. If I had $400 sunglasses, I think I would be much more careful.

One day we found shoes, a hat and a shirt in our children's library on Storytime day and I wondered, "Where's the naked kid?" The other day, we found these shoes and sunglasses along with someone's personal copy of Dr. Seuss.
Feeling Stressed?

Found this marking someone's place in the book they returned.
I didn't think I was stressed but I put my thumb on the pad and it didn't change a bit. "How much more black could the indicator be," you might ask...and my answer would be, "None. None more black."
Library work is stressful. I wonder what they call it when librarians lose it and go off like postal workers do? People would laugh if you warned them that you were about to "Go Librarian on them..." They'd probably respond, "Yeah, what you gonna do, shush me?"

Someone left this drawing of a robot in a book at the Ogden Valley Branch.
Kids art is amazing.
What is this?

Guess this item(If you click on it, it will get bigger and it is easier to tell when it is bigger). This was found this afternoon at the library. My employee brought it to me and asked if I knew what it was. I had to look carefully but I finally figured it out. Please post your best guesses and I will let you know the real answer in a few days.
Have fun! And no, it is not drugs.
Write your own caption....

Yes, this item was left at the library. In the coming weeks, we will post the variety of miscellanea that people leave behind at our library. Often, small things get left in books. but even more often we find things left all around the library.
This particular item was left on the checkout counter right next to our self-check machine.
So feel free. Write your best captions. We may even offer a prize for the best ones!