Tooth Fairy Where Are You?

dyd09This is a bit gross with the dried blood and all, but it makes you wonder if the kid still got paid or if his parents didn't believe him...
Warm Fuzzy or Cold Prickly?

What is this? Someone left it on the reference desk.
Scrunchy. --RDM
Spiderman Where Are You?

dyd09So this is an old item that took me a long time to post about. I do believe that Spiderman lost his most recent battle against a very dangerous foe here at our library. As you can see not only did his arm get ripped off of his body, but his hand was severed to. I didn't see or hear the battle but it had to be epic. I can only hope Spiderman has regeneration abilities or we are all in danger!

Doc is here! At our library!!!

Click on the image to make it larger...
Doc was found at the library today. I must say I really enjoyed the movie. This doc is from the early part of the movie when he is tired as he does not move all that fast. He does makes up for it with attitude.
Sometimes we find something at the library and I really have to think about it long and hard. I want to take it home with me. However, we
always keep the stuff in the lost and found bin for a month; then it goes to the Main Library for a month before going to Good Will.
Toe-Sucking @ Your Library
This posting doesn't have much to do with the theme of this blog, except that it
left me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
American Libraries reports today that a man is being indicted for kissing a woman's foot and then sucking her toe. The story goes like this:
"The woman said she was in a study room at the library July 11 when Colella entered and closed the door.... She said Colella told her he needed to kiss people’s feet and record their reactions for a sociology project. She refused, but eventually allowed him to because he kept insisting and she didn’t think he would leave unless she agreed. She went home and later called the library; a staffer told her to call the police."
I only have one question: