Do You Feel Sick Too?

Mary is the one in glasses
O.K. I don’t have a lost item, but I feel horrible about not posting anything as of late. I do have a funny story to tell that took place in a Library between two fellow employees that to me is very funny. Here it goes:
Library Employee A (hither to be known as LEA) had been gone for a couple of days spending time with it’s (I don’t want to give away the sex of LEA) family and unfortunately one of the said family members was horribly sick and infected the entire family with a stomach flu. On LEA’s return it began to talk with another Library Employee B (hither to be known as LEB).
LEA – Man I’m not going to pull a Typhoid Mary.
LEB – What do you mean by that?
LEA- You haven’t heard of that? It’s what you say when you’re sick and you end up
making other people sick around you because of it.
LEB- (insert laugh) No, I hadn’t heard that before.
LEA – Yeah it’s not used a lot. I wonder what diseases Typhoid Mary spread? I think it
was Tuberculosis.
LEB – Or was it polio?
LEC – Typhoid. She spread Typhoid.
(Insert laughs around the room).
Yes that is a true story but some of the wording might be off a little.